Značka: english

  • Another way to learn OOP

    As my final project at University I created an educational application for learning object oriented programming from another perspective. Learn OOP and have fun at the same time.

  • To stop ‘doing what I love’ was the best decision of my life

    Is do what you love a really good advice? Why it was my best decision to stop doing what I loved? How to choose you career?

  • Where to practice algorithms online

    If you are a programmer you probably know, that algorithms are a very important part of programming. University courses, online courses or books are, among others, ways to learn about […]

  • First job as Junior Developer

    What to expect from the first job as a junior software developer? Who is this article for? This article is for a student who is looking for a part time […]

  • Creating a good CV

    Resumé, CV, curriculum, lebenslauf. All of these are names for a document, which you send to a company when you are applying for a job there. But you probably know […]

  • Do entertainment possibilities affect our productivity?

    Can you be productive with so many games around? In our modern world we have more options for entertainment. This includes TV shows, Movies, Games, Videos (YouTube) or VR. In […]

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